Attendance Policy and Procedures
Regular, punctual school attendance is essential for your child’s success, and we want your child to be
Palisades Christian Academy requires that all students have regular attendance, and that school policy
reflects the integrity demonstrated by the State of Washington’s minimum compulsory attendance laws.
Parents/guardians are legally accountable for their children meeting attendance requirements.

Daily Attendance
Classroom teachers start taking attendance when school begins at 8:30 am and submit attendance on
Jupiter by 9:00 am. After 9:00, someone from the school office will start calling parents/guardians of
students marked absent to verify their absence.
Late Arrivals
Teachers need to focus on teaching once the school day is underway and may not have an opportunity
to continually update attendance records for late-arriving students. Additionally, many students rotate
to other classes and activities during the day, so late arrivals may be not be seen by their homeroom
teacher. To ensure that we are keeping accurate attendance records, we have instituted a late sign-in
Students arriving after 9:00 must sign in at the front desk before going to their classroom. Students in
grades 4-10 may sign themselves in, but those in K-3 must have a parent come in and sign them in. After
signing in, students will be given a slip to take to their teacher to verify that they have checked in. The
office will update attendance after 9:00. It will not be the teachers’ responsibility.
Leaving early
Picking up students before the end of the school day is discouraged. However, if it is necessary (for illness, medical appointments, etc.), the parent/guardian must sign the student out at the office before they will be released from their classroom. Please do not call or text your student and ask them to leave their classroom and meet you without being signed out.
If students miss school work by leaving early for unexcused reasons, they may not be able to make it up or receive full credit for it.
Excessive Tardies
Missing even a few minutes of a lesson or activity can be detrimental to students’ learning and school
success particularly if they repeatedly miss portions of the same class. Parents/guardians should make
every effort to get students to school on time.
Students are considered late if they arrive after 8:30 am. Students must attend at least half of the school
day to be counted present. Chronic or excessive tardiness will result in a parent-teacher-administration
conference to discuss a solution to the problem. If the problem is not resolved, further consequences
are likely.
Excessive Unexcused Absences
When students miss classwork, tests, or quizzes, or submit work late due to an unexcused absence, that
work is subject to late work penalties. Excessive unexcused absences will negatively impact a student’s
grades, and may even result in loss of credit for a class.
When a student has had five (5) unexcused absences in the same semester, the parent/guardian will be
notified by email, reminded of the attendance expectations, and asked to respond via email stating they
understand the attendance policy.
When a student has had seven (7) unexcused absences in the same semester, the parent/guardian will
be sent a registered letter requesting a meeting with school administration.
When a student has had ten (10) unexcused absences in the same semester, the parent/guardian will be
sent a registered letter stating that the student is in violation of state-mandated minimum attendance
requirements and that the parent/guardian may be subject to legal consequences.
Excused Absences
Absences are excused only for student illness, medical/dental services, or a death in the immediate
family. Excuses must be verified in writing by the parent/guardian, doctor, or dentist. The excuse should
include the date and reason for the absence and sent as an email or written note to the
classroom/homeroom teacher immediately following the absence.
Students who have missed five (5) or more days in a month due to illness must have a note from their
doctor attesting that they are physically able to continue with school.
Students who miss schoolwork due to an excused absence will be allowed one day for each day of the
excused absence to make up the work without late penalties. If the parent/guardian is aware ahead of
time that a child will be missing school for excused reasons (e.g., medical/dental appointments), they
should notify the teacher in advance to make arrangements for completing missed assignments.
Sick Days/Illness
If a child that becomes sick at school, parents will notified so the student can go home and rest until well. When students become ill, they should stay home until:
- They are fever free without medication for at least 24 hours
- Symptoms have improved without medication, after spending adequate time at home to heal. Students that return to school too soon often can’t make it through a full school day without needing to go home early.
- If a student still has residual symptoms (but mostly well), and would like to return, they must have either a note from the doctor or a parent indicating a Covid-19 test has been done, and they are negative. These notes should be given directly to the classroom teacher.
*If a Covid test is positive, please contact the school office for further instructions.
Absence/Tardy Notification
If you know your child is going to be absent or arrive after 9:00, please send a message to by 9:00 a.m. if at all possible. Include the student’s name, teacher’s name, whether they will be absent or tardy, and the reason. If you are requesting that work be sent home, please indicate who it will be going home with or if you will pick it up at the office at the end of the day. The teachers will receive a daily attendance report by noon each day, so you do not have to contact your child’s teacher separately.
Family leave
Families are encouraged not to take vacations or plan events/activities that cause their
children to miss school days. However, a maximum of five (5) school days can be taken for family leave
each school year. These absences will be excused only if a request form is submitted at least one week
in advance of the planned absence. Arrangements must be made with all of the students’ teachers for
the student to complete any work they will miss. As much as possible, students should complete the
work before their absence. All work missed during a planned excused absence is due the day the
student returns. After that, it will be subject to late penalties.
*For longer trips, students may apply for an extended absence form. This form has special requirements,
including that the student has retained good academic standing. The educational value of the proposed
experience must be demonstrated in writing. The extended absence must be approved by both the
administration and teachers, and the school retains the right to refuse approval based on potential
academic complications and/or previous academic issues.