Real Cost of Tuition

Dear Family and Friends of PCA,
My name is Ben Bartsch, and I have the privilege of acting as chairman of the PCA Finance Committee. It is the responsibility of this committee to ensure that PCA remains in good financial shape, and to apprise the board and parents of important financial issues.
Our total expense budget this year is $1,982,711. Comparing this to our tuition income of $1,217,530, we have a budget shortfall of more than $750,000. I want everyone know these numbers so you can see just how great a value you are getting with your tuition. It is only by the generous giving of others that we are able to keep tuition costs down.
Thankfully, for the past several years we have been blessed with a healthy bottom line and have maintained a consistently high enrollment. We also receive assistance from local churches, donations for “Student Success,” and the support of the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Without these, we would not be able to provide the excellent level of Christian education that we have.
As we start the enrollment process for the 2024-2025 school year, we are looking at making pricing more transparent so that the value of your child’s education is apparent. I would like to explain some changes in the table below.
You may notice that for tuition we have listed “Actual Cost” and “Your cost/What you pay.” (This does not include additional discounts and aid that some families receive.)
Our mission is to provide the highest quality Christian education to as many families as we can. This is fully realized through the tuition and generous giving of others. I am continually amazed at the generosity of so many people and organizations that allow this school to continue to grow and flourish. If you have any questions or concerns that I can help you with, please reach out to me. God truly has blessed us, and I pray that PCA will continue to be blessed in the coming year.
Best Regards,

Ben Bartsch