
A scholarship can be a great motivator, knowing that a student has been recognized for some effort, hard work, and for dedicating their time and efforts. Without a financial award, a student financially might not have been able to attend a school of their choice. A scholarship is another opportunity to help a student give back ... by being a role model for kids to look up to.
How to Apply for Financial Aid
Palisades Christian Academy offers a quality Christian education at reasonable prices to all families who currently attend or want to attend our school. Even though our tuition rates are as fair as possible, we realize that the costs of a quality program cannot be covered by every family without some assistance. Each year PCA has been pleased to offer financial assistance to families who truly desire for their children to attend our school but who cannot afford the entire cost of tuition. We hope to do the same next year as funds become available. These funds are in addition to financial assistance offered by our constituent churches. PCA wants no student denied a Christian education due to their inability to pay the tuition.
In order to achieve this goal, we are committed to partnering with serious and committed families like yours. While the majority of funds will be allocated pursuant to early registrants, it is our fervent ambition to support any family in need of assistance. Because funds are limited, it is essential that you share your needs with us as early as possible.
The needs-based financial aid process requires you to submit an online FACTS application, Please file your tax return as soon as you receive your documents, as the FACTS application requires your W2’s and a copy of your latest tax return. Our school code is 30264.
If you are having difficulty with your FACTS application, please call their support line at (866) 412-4637.
If your online application and supporting documents are received by the May 1 deadline, you can expect to receive a communication about your award in early July.
Keeping OUR kids, keeping YOUR kids at PCA is our greatest goal. We are willing to work with you to find creative ways to make this happen for your family. If we are unaware of needs, we cannot help you or pray for your family. It is easier for us to find ways to help earlier rather than later. Please let us know how we can help.