
Our school has been in existence for over 80 years due to the support and dedication f constituents, parents, teachers, and friends in the community. We request that each family of students in grades K-10 give their time in involvement. Please understand that your time and effort are extremely valuable to our school family. The staff at Palisades Christian Academy would like to thank you for providing this valuable help to the school. Share the blessing of time and be involved!
Some of the ways you can be involved:
Join our Home and School Association—Ask the office how you can join!
- Volunteer in the classroom
- Drive for field trips
- Supervise students during breaks or at special school functions
- Help with the Annual PCA Auction
General Guidelines for Volunteering in the Classroom
Our school has been in existence for over 80 years due to the support of our dedicated constituents, parents, teachers, and friends in the community. Each family of a student in grades K-10 is requested to give of their time in involvement. Please understand that your time and effort are extremely valuable to our school family. The staff at Palisades Christian Academy would like to thank you for providing this valuable help to the school. Share the blessing of time and be involved! To make your time more effective, please observe the following guidelines:
- Classroom volunteers should complete the Volunteer Screening.
- Classroom volunteers should then contact teachers to arrange the best days and times to help. Please understand there may be times that volunteer presence may unintentionally detract from classroom learning goals.
- It is very important that times are arranged in advance, and never just "drop by".
- ALWAYS sign in and out at the front office and wear a "Volunteer" badge when working in the school.
- If you are scheduled to volunteer but can't be present, please notify your student's teacher or the school office as soon as possible.
- Information or observations about individual students are to be kept confidential. If you feel there is a problem, please notify the teacher.
In order to volunteer you must complete volunteer screening.
Volunteer Screening
- Go to the website www.ncsrisk.org/adventist and click on the link to access the registration page to complete the online training, Child Protection Online Awareness Session, and submit your background check.
- Click on the First-Time Registrant, to start the process.
- Select your Union (North Pacific Union Conference) and conference (Upper Columbia Conference) where you work or volunteer, by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting the location.
- Create a user ID and password you can easily remember. We suggest using your email address as your user name. Click continue to proceed.
- Please provide the information requested on the screen. Do not click the “back” button or your information will be lost. Click continue.
- Select your primary location where you work or volunteer by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting the location. Click select and then continue.
- If you work or volunteer in another location, please select Yes. And, then select additional locations where you work or volunteer by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting the location. Click Yes or No to proceed.
- Please select the role(s) that you associate with your conference. You may select multiple roles based on your involvement. It is highly recommended that you select the role of volunteer driver. This role is required of all drivers (even those that drive only their child) on every school field trip.

Users must be able to begin and complete the training assigned to them.
- Click on the green circle to begin online training
Upon completion, the last screen will allow you to print a certificate, and you will always have the ability to log back into your account and access the certificate. Please note that once you complete the background check, you can log back into your account at www.ncsrisk.org/adventist to see your activity at any time by clicking on My Report to view your online training, retrieve a certificate, and view your background check completion date. You also have access to Update My Account to update your personal information.
- Please read the instructions regarding the structure of the online training and then proceed.
- Select Click Here to Start to begin the online training (approximately 1 hour to complete).
Users must be able to proceed with the background check submission.
- Upon completion of your online training, you will be instructed to complete your background check. Please complete the steps within the background check process. Click on Submit Background Check.
- Review and complete the consent form.
From there you should automatically be routed to a page with the consent form to be read and some information to be filled out, which will look like these: (depending on the background check package associated with your role).
- You will be prompted for additional information required for the check and will be prompted to electronically provide authorization to conduct the check.
- Hit “Submit Background Check” once done.

Personal Reference Contact Information Instructions for Adventist Screening Verification
Each new and renewing volunteer must include this information directly in Adventist Screening Verification or by email to screening@uccsda.org:
- The names of four personal references who have known the volunteer well for a minimum of one year.
- Daytime phone number (include and alternate phone number and email address, if possible)
- Family members or in-laws are not accepted as references.
- Please include a pastor as one reference. If you do not have a pastoral reference, you may use another mandatory reporter, such as a teacher, counselor, doctor, nurse, or social worker. Be sure to identify which reference is a pastor or mandatory reporter, and what position they fill as a mandatory reporter.
To reach technical support for Adventist Screening Verification, please contact Adventist Support at 855-326-1860-Option 1-Code 6548 or AdventistSupport@verifiedvolunteers.com
Screening should be verified through the school office and is good for up to three years. You can verify your status by logging into your account at www.ncsrisk.org/adventist
All drivers for school field trips will also need to provide the school office with a current copy of their driver’s license and insurance. Classroom and playground volunteers will also need to sign a form at the school office that they have watched our orientation . Click here