Grading System
The school year is divided into four quarters. Each quarter consists of approximately nine weeks. At the end of each grading period progress evaluations are made and a grade report is prepared. The following system is used for grades 3-10:
B—Above Average
D—Below Average
F—Not Passing
*As a general rule two weeks will be allowed to change an incomplete to a passing grade.
Kindergarten-Grade 2 uses the following grading system:
I—Meets objectives and performs skills independently
P—Progressing toward the objective with continuing assistance
N—Needs more time to develop

Parent-Teacher Conferences
A parent-teacher conference is held after the first and third quarter grading periods. In order to receive the grade report after the first quarter, at least one parent (but preferably both) is to come to the school for a conference with the child’s teacher. Students are also required to attend, as this is counted as a school day.
If there is a problem with the general growth pattern or scholastic standing, parents, teachers, and students can meet at this time to rectify it. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher whenever there are questions relating to the educational program and progress of their child. The school staff will also endeavor to keep the online grading system current with classwork that has been submitted. Every effort will be made to keep parents informed of their child’s progress if a scholastic problem should arise during the nine-week period.
Final Grades
Final Grades K-8
Final grades are given in grades one through eight at the end of the year, at which time students in these grades either pass or fail a subject for the entire year. It is important for the student to note that failure to receive a passing grade in any three major subjects may necessitate repeating the work required for that year. If only one or two subjects are not passed, the student may be asked to do additional summer work in order to pass to the next grade level. Students may be placed on academic probation for the following school year if grades students are failing and receiving low grades. Besides scholastic achievement, the mental, physical, and social development of each student will be a determining factor in his or her grade placement. Final Grades 9-10
On the ninth and tenth grade levels the students are given quarter and semester grades. A student passes or fails semesters in each class. In order to receive credit for a failed class any semester, the semester of that class must satisfactorily be repeated before high school graduation.
Grade Point Average
In grades seven through ten, a system of points is used to determine a student’s general average. The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of credits taken. It is important for a student to maintain his/her GPA at a satisfactory level because the GPA is one of the main factors considered when determining eligibility for the Associated Student Body and class offices, as well as other extra-curricular activities and scholarships for colleges.
All students should be prepared to spend some time each afternoon/evening studying and completing work. Homework may be in the form of independent reading, written work to be handed in, or of material to be studied for a quiz or other class activities. Students should learn to organize their study time and make every effort to develop good study habits.
Missing Work
Parents and students will be notified of missing work if they sign up for the automatic reports from Jupiter. Otherwise, parents and students should sign into their Jupiter accounts regularly and look at their classes to see if any work is missing. All missing assignments should be completed at school or home as soon as possible. If an assignment is missing or has been misplaced, copies and explanations can be acquired from the teacher who assigned the work. It is best to parents and students to prioritize completing and submitting missing assignments to avoid compounded late penalties and point deductions.
After consultation with the parents/guardians all requests for elementary acceleration must be approved by the local conference office of education and must conform to all North Pacific Union Conference requirements, including standardized achievement test scores at the 90 th percentile and evidence of emotional and social readiness. Secondary acceleration is only done through the accumulation of the required credit hours for graduation.
After the instructor has counseled with the student, parent(s), principal and has consulted with the UCC superintendent of schools, retention may be recommended. Retention may be considered for a student who has not met minimum requirements in three major subjects (Bible, reading, English, math, social studies, or science).